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fighting drugs中文是什么意思

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  • 戒毒


  • Fourth , the united states has a profound interest in fighting drug trafficking and international organized crime
  • Among arab governments , the new york times reported this week that dubai is moving aggressively to fight drugs
  • Meanwhile , the bush administration was reported to be working on a large - scale aid package to help mexico ' s government fight drugs
  • The government set up to protect private property now confiscates it in the name of fighting drugs or preserving the environment
  • He also wants the u . s . to enter into a " true " pact to fight drugs but has vowed his goal will be " zero cocaine , " not " zero coca .
    他曾对以此为生的该国农民许诺,自己上台后的政策将是“零毒品” ,而不是“零古柯” 。
  • Police have been fighting drug smugglers , who often ship heroin from afghanistan , ever since drug use in russia took off after the decline of the soviet union
  • Since 1999 colombia has received some $ 5 billion in mainly military aid from america under a plan to fight drug - trafficking and rebel groups of left and right
  • Since 1999 , first under bill clinton and then under george bush , it has given some $ 4 . 5 billion under the guise of plan colombia , a scheme to fight drug trafficking and guerrillas
  • Among arab governments , the new york times reported this week that dubai is moving aggressively to fight drugs . efforts include educational campaigns and drug treatment programs
  • The next product to be released in 2006 is a drug material for cancer - fighting drug , which has already completed its development for the manufacturing process , and the applications for two patents already in the works
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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